Steve had talked to Lynda the night before. Lynda said that she talks to the nurses each week. I decided that is what I should do, but the nurse I talked to knew nothing. I asked about Alda's BAD case of cradle cap (or whatever it is). She said, "I haven't worked for a few days so I don't know." I said, "She has had this for months, so the last two days would make no difference. She took at look but just suggested a dandruff shampoo. I told her I didn't know what the treatment was, but it wasn't dandruff shampoo. I found a comb and worked on trying to get rid of some of it. I worried about drawing blood, so I just got the easy flakes. It was absolutely terrible - big flakes the size of a dime and affected areas three inches across. I didn't get the feeling the nurse was going to do anything about it. My Mom had really dry scalp as she got older and there was some medication they put on several times a week. I can't remember what it was, but it really helped. This does not seem like just dry scalp, however. This is like someone dropped gobs of Elmer's glue on her scalp.
I asked about Alda's rehab - but the nurse knew nothing, saying I would have to talk to the rehab people. I don't know how I'm supposed to figure out what is happening if no one person has all the info. She could have said, "Let me call and get that update for you", but she didn't.
Alda's remote didn't work. They had changed the battery on Sunday, but it still didn't work. They said they would call in a work order.
A sister Fiefield came while we were there. She was very impressed with how well Alda was doing.
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