Sunday, October 27, 2013

Letter to Grandma

When I went to visit Grandma on Friday, Trisha had me read her a letter. What a sweet idea!


I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately and hope you are doing well. When we make it up to Logan, I’d like to visit you in person but this will have to do for now.

I am currently working on Ari’s Christmas stocking – the felt kind that asks you to embroider, sequin, and applique pieces to each other until a beautiful stocking emerges. It’s the same kind that you made for all your grandkids. I think of you as I sew the stocking. It sure is a labor a love - 90 or so pieces that are each hand sewn. You must have loved your grandchildren a lot to make them each one. I am lucky to have finished three.

Zach is loving first grade. He loves recess the most, followed closely by lunch. Each day, we have a conversation about lunch – what he ate, who he sat by, what was said. It makes me laugh that lunch is such a highpoint for him. He is playing soccer this season and seems to enjoy it. Each game, he does better and better. Zach really likes to play defender and keep the ball away from his team’s goal. He also has his first loose tooth! Zach is a great kid and growing up so fast.

Halle is in preschool and loves it. I enjoy hearing all the things that she learns each day. Yesterday, she went to the dentist on a field trip. I can’t believe what she retained. She now wants to brush her teeth three times a day and even told me that Sprite was bad for her. When I told her you could drink Sprite sometimes, she said, “No! The dentist told me I couldn’t!” Grandpa Allan would be so proud! Halle is playing soccer as well. She is a fast, little runner and loves to score goals.

Ari is growing like a weed and babbling left and right. The other day she was on my shoulders and kept peeking her head down to talk to me. Brandon thinks she sounds like she is gobbling. I love that she participates in the family conversation, even if it is only to gobble. She will also read books to herself. She turns the pages and while looking at the pictures, she’ll gobble gobble gobble. When she’s not gobbling, she can say a few real words like dada, mama, bubble, cheese, ball, bite, teeth, bye bye, and Halle. Ari adores her daddy. I think she likes me fine, but Daddy is her true love. They have a sweet, little relationship.

I love you so much and keep you in my prayers.



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