Grandma was cold, so we turned on the heater in her room and soon had it sweltering. She was delighted with the temperature.
Lauren, Liam, and Piper came by. The kids wanted to ride in the wheel chairs, so Steve and I took turns pushing Piper while Liam worked the other wheelchair. It was fun seeing Sunshine Terrace through a child's eyes. We touched the plush flowers attached to the railings. We noticed scarecrows and witches. We named all the fake fruit in the bowl in the dining room. We stopped to watch the fish in the aquarium. We explored many corridors I'd never been down. I thought we would find lots of older people who would be excited to see children, but we didn't. Most were in such poor shape that they were really not very interested in or able to care about others.I thought one woman was signaling to us, but when we got closer realized she was just pointing to a chair that she thought had been taken from her unfairly. One woman we passed was excited to see Pipe and gave her a high five. It was pretty cute. Like Grandma, I didn't see anyone I knew during the whole excursion.
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